Evening ride – Wednesday June 12th

Shaun Digby leads our first evening rideout of the year on Wednesday 12th June! A second ride is in the pipeline, and we may offer more if these events prove popular…. Shaun provides this description of the outing: 

Following the 6:15pm briefing we depart Cambridge Services for Huntingdon & Abbots Ripton before turning onto the B660 – where the enjoyment begins! We’ll be riding on training routes used by regional Road Policing Units. If you are already familiar with them you will appreciate why, if not you will soon understand: bend after bend comes at you! If the weather is kind to us, it will be a true biker’s heaven!
At Kimbolton we switch to the B645 before turning left at Staughton Green for Perry and a break at The Wheatsheaf. Suitably refreshed we continue to the A1, going straight over at the Buckden roundabout and on to Offords railway crossing, then turn for our final destination at Caxton Services

Start point      Cambridge Services, A14     what3words  
End point        Caxton Services, A428          what3words

Briefing   6:15pm             Departure   6:30pm    
Refreshment stop      The Wheatsheaf, Perry

This ride is limited to 12 participants. Use this link to request a place

News round-up + subscription announcement

The annual cost of a CAM subscription has now risen for the first time in ten years. Everyone will, of course, receive a reminder from our Membership Secretary of the new subscription rate when their membership falls due for renewal, but Chairman Ian Dunckley has sent a News Round-up detailing the key decisions taken by the Committee to those Members & Associates who have previously renewed at the old rate

All are invited to read about the background, thinking & decisions taken by the Committee: click here to download the News Roundup if the Chairman has not sent this to you directly. This document also details the increased activities CAM is delivering now and the plans we are developing for the 12-month term of the committee following the AGM in July.

Our Chairman notes: Thank you for being Advanced Riders & members of CAM, for supporting what we do as a road safety charity, and also for creating the feeling of a club of like-minded motorcyclists

Christmas Quiz solutions

Shortly before Christmas we posted the CAM Christmas Quiz – 80 motorcycle-themed questions to puzzle over during the festive season. Unless anyone claims differently, the impressive 53 correct answers racked up by trivia mastermind Nigel Goss at the Christmas dinner is still the score to beat

Check your own performance with the official answers here

CAM on Radio Cambridgeshire

You heard it here first: tune into the Chris Mann show on Radio Cambridgeshire Friday morning to hear Chairman Ian Dunckley and Events Coordinator Catherine Ryan promote our Group and our Taster Rides day this weekend! The program starts at 10:00am, with Ian & Catherine expected to be on air around 10:20am

30th September – Taster rides !

On Saturday 30th September the CAM Observer Team are holding an Advanced Riding Taster Day at the Ducati dealership in Harston, Cambridge. Observers will be there from 10am to 4pm, offering FREE taster rides to any biker with a full licence wishing to gain an insight into advanced riding

What’s involved? A one-to-one ride with a highly experienced Observer, followed by a debrief with pointers to how the IAM Advanced Rider course can help riders take things to the next level

Do participants ride their own bike? Yes

What now? If you are interested in a Taster Ride please contact us via this link and we’ll reserve you a slot (remember to let us know if you have a time preference!)

Anything else? Our Members & Associates will also be there to discuss the benefits & challenges of CAM membership. And when we’ve answered your questions, you can spend time admiring some of the finest motorcycles Italy has to offer as the Ducati dealership will be open throughout our stay!

Tour of Hideout Leather

Hideout Leather, founded in 1978, is a truly British manufacturer offering the best quality off-the-peg garments but specializing in made-to-measure leather suits. In 2014 Hideout designed & supplied the kit for … 

But it’s not all Hollywood; Hideout have supplied 50+ police, fire & ambulance services with clothing for over 30 years. And now director Kate Jennings is inviting CAM Members & Associates to the Ashdon premises on Wednesday 20th September from 6:30pm. We’ll be treated to a workshop tour, coffee & cake, and of course a visit to the showroom

Maximum 30 attendees   ::   what3words location 
Email Catherine to reserve your place

Sunset supper

Many thanks to Keith Tremeer (accompanied by pillion Maria Luiza) for leading 10 bikers on his early evening fish’n’chip run to Hunstanton last Thursday. Keith cleverly steered around the showers and Catherine, Chris, Graham, Keith, Mick, Nigel, Patrick, Pete, Phil, Stephen & Terry happily enjoyed an al fresco supper taking in the view over the Wash. Night-time fell during the ride home, so riders bade each other farewell under the carpark lights in Huntingdon. A wonderful outing!

Photographs courtesy of Pete Webb

CAM at the Meldreth Show

A heartfelt Thank You from the CAM Committee to the fifteen Members & Associates who were present at the Royston & District Motorcycle Club show in Meldreth on 21st June. Having volunteered to help set out and staff the CAM stand, they spent the evening promoting our mission to potential future members. Special thanks go to Keith Curtis and Andy Saward, who displayed their bikes (a Triumph and a Kawasaki respectively) next to the stand, drawing a good deal of attention from those passing by

The new banners & photo display were impressive, and helped CAM put on what was agreed by all those present to have been the best appearance at the RDMCC show to date. Some 35 bikers indicated interest in receiving further information regarding CAM, or benefitting from a free a taster ride in the near future. The Committee is already following up with those people, as appropriate

RDMCC ask each stand to donate a prize to their charity raffle; CAM offered a free IAM Advanced Rider Course, valued at £175. This was won by Keith Tedstone, who we will likely welcome as a CAM Associate in the near future!

The success of events such as this depends to a very large extent on the active involvement of Members & Associates. The positive impact of CAM’s presence at Meldreth is certainly testament to that. Your The Committee looks forward to receiving the same (or an even greater!) level of involvement for its future events, which will be announced in due course

Editor’s note:
many thanks to Keith Tremeer for the above text, and to our roving photographer Pete Webb for the images in the browsable galleries above

Invisibility training with Fortnine

For close to five years Youtube channel Fortnine has been producing insightful motorcycling videos, delivered with uniquely Canadian humour. If you’re unfamiliar with their motorcycle reviews, maintenance tutorials, safety checklists and more, why not use some lockdown time to check them out?

A great place to start is Invisibility Training for Motorcyclists, a detailed look at the optics & neuroscience which work to render motorcyclists invisible – and the steps we can take to counteract these effects