About Us

About Us

Cambridge Advanced Motorcyclists are a group of like-minded people who are committed to improving and promoting bike riding skills and road safety awareness.  We represent the Cambridge Branch of the Institute of Advanced Motorists Roadsmart initiative for Motorcyclists.

The branch is steered by its Committee who meet regularly (at six weekly intervals) to discuss policy and implement changes.

We have a programme of activities that include:

Observed rides for Associate members who are taking the IAM Roadsmart test

Weekday and Sunday rides to a variety of destinations (see our sat-nav page for examples).

Talks on specialised subjects.

Training workshops on diverse topics such as road safety, first aid and motorcycle maintenance.

Further information is available on our Latest News page and Events Calendar

If you have any questions about the Committee or would like to know more about the Cambridge IAM branch then please contact the Committee Chair

For membership enquiries, please contact our Membership Secretary

Alternatively, you may send your request via our Enquiry Form

You can also join us on Facebook to find out more.

The CAM Committee

The Committee is made up of volunteer members of the branch.  The Committee meets regularly to discuss the direction of the club and ensure that it continues to represent the best interests of its Associate & Full Members.

Chairman Ian Dunckley
Secretary Roger Taylor
Treasurer Keith Tremeer
Chief Observer Shaun Digby
Membership Secretary Patrick Ryan
Events Coordinators Catherine Ryan & Nigel Goss   
Policy & Procedure Coordinator Keith Curtis
Webmaster Nick Harwood
Committee member without portfolio Graham Maile          

Our Annual General Meeting is usually held around July – Members & Associates are warmly invited to attend to express their views on the running of the branch. The AGM also presents an opportunity for Members who might be thinking of joining the Committee to find out more and, if they like what they see, nominate themselves!

As noted previously, current events can be found in our Events Calendar

Cambridge Advanced Motorcyclists