Sunday ride to Sywell Aerodrome

 Try a new breakfast venueon our next Sunday ride led & tailed by Peter Grant and Mark Fox respectively. The Pilots Mess Café is locatated at Sywell Aerodrome, which first opened in 1928, became an important training base & aircraft production facility during WWII and now has four runways used for private flights and by fixed-wing & helicopter training schools

>The outward route heads west along the A14 from Brampton Hut Services for one mile then turns for Grafham Water & Kimbolton. Heading southwest it crosses the A6 near Bletsoe, then heads through Odell, Grendon & Earls Barton to reach Sywell after 42 miles
<The return journey is similar in length, but heads through Wilby, Wymington, Catworth & Old Weston before concluding at Brampton Hut Services with a one-mile stretch south on the A1. View the Pilots Mess breakfast menu here

Briefing  9:20am                    Ride departs  9:30am       
Total distance  85 miles       Maximum number of participants  16

Request a place   |   Events Calendar for full details

AGM & BBQ – let us know if you’re coming!

All CAM Members & Associates are warmly invited to our Annual General Meeting… and the BBQ which follows immediately afterwards! 

When              AGM begins midday, Saturday 27th July
Where             Over Community Centre

Our big event this month is the Annual General Meeting, and all Members & Associates are warmly invited to attend if they are free. There will two ride-ins (more details soon), both arriving in good time for the start of the AGM.

Many thanks to Nas Latif for the use of his barbecue and Over for allowing us to use their recreational area outside the bar, which those in attendance can head to directly after the AGM. We’ll be providing free burgers & hot-dogs for all CAM members attending the AGM (let us know if you require a vegetarian alternative); drinks can be purchased at the bar. To help us get the catering right, please click this link if you intend to stay for the BBQ.

The CAM Committee hope to see you at the AGM, and that the weather will be on our side on the 27th for the BBQ which follows it

.GPX for Hunstanton run now available!

In spite of extreme temperatures, the recent Fish’n’Chip run to Hunstanton was a highly successful outing and leader Keith Tremeer has since received requests for the route. Many thanks therefore to Keith for sharing the 136-mile journey from Tesco Milton to Huntingdon, stopping for supper on the sea front in Hunstanton. Download the .gpx here or from our Full Rides page

Images courtesy of Dave Freeman

Ride to Café33 on Sunday July 7th

If you act now (using this link) you could still secure a place on the ride which Steve Rowdon & Graham Maile respectively lead & tail next Sunday. This outing heads to Suffolk and the ever-popular Café33 in Stradishall

Steve outlines his route:
Heading west along the A1307 from Fourwentways we’ll bypass Haverhill and continue through to Great Yeldham, where we’ll turn towards Bulmer. When we reach Sudbury we’ll double back through Guestingthorpe to Great Yeldham before turning for Ovington, through Clare and on to breakfast at Café33.
The return will take us north towards Newmarket, Isleham & Queen Adelaide. We’ll have a spell on the A142 before turning at Soham for Wicken & Stretham. The ride concludes with a stretch south on the A10 to Tesco Milton

Start: Shell Fourwentways, CB1 6AR     End: Tesco Milton, CB24 6AY
Breakfast: Café33, CB8 9XX                    Total distance:  ~100 miles

Ride limited to 16 riders

Fish’n’Chips run to Hunstanton – Weds 26th June

Sign up now for Keith Tremeer’s fish’n’chip run to Hunstanton on Wednesday 26th June! Keith describes the itinerary just below…

Photo by Davey Gravy on Unsplash

Leaving Tesco Milton promptly at 3:30pm, we pass through Fordham, Prickwillow & Littleport and take the A10 to Downham Market. After an hour on the road we’ll make a short stop at Downmarket Costa for those wishing to stretch their legs, then head north towards Narborough, Hillington & Dersingham along scenic country roads, picking up the A149 a few miles from Hunstanton. The outward journey is 73 miles, and we’ll arrive at ~6pm.
There are several takeaway options within a 5-minute walk, and discerning diners will research Henry’s & Fishers (both offering eat-in options) & their competitors. But whatever they opt for, those in the know will head to the large grass area by the bandstand for some social, outdoor dining.
Leaving Hunstanton no later than 19:30, our 63-mile route back takes us north around King’s Lynn, then follows the A47 to Wisbech, where we’ll once again take to the country roads, passing through Elm, Friday Bridge & Coldham, before joining the A141 near March. We’ll then follow the A141 all the way to Huntingdon and the ride’s end at the Riverside Carpark. With the return journey estimated to take ~ 1½ hours, riders can expect to arrive in Huntingdon before sunset (which takes place at 9:26pm).

Open to Full Members as well as Associates who’ve had at least one observed ride
Limited to 16 bikes. Pillion riders welcome
Briefing: 3:20pm   |   Total distance 136 miles   |   Refuelling stop leaving Hunstanton

Email Keith directly to reserve your place
Note: this ride is weather-dependent, and at the leader’s discretion may be postponed/cancelled with 24-hours notice

Booking now: CAM Taster Rides, 29th June!

Please spread the word! Anyone interested in Advanced Riding can now request a slot on our Taster Rides Day on June 29th, running again this year from Ducati Harston. Holders of a full motorcycle license simply turn up on their bikes to enjoy a free 30-minute outing with one of our Observers, followed by a ride debrief

CAM Members & Associates who can spare a time that Saturday are invited along to chat with visitors and share their experience of the Advanced Rider course. Drop by if you can!

To help promote CAM & safer riding, download, print & share our Taster Rides flyer amongst your biking friends (the QR code leads to Events Calendar entry with full details of the day and a link to book a slot)

Thank you for help making our 2024 Taster Ride Day a success!

Sunday 16th June: west to Woburn

Catherine Ryan & John Hawkins will be taking the group west on B-roads through Gamlingay, across the A1 at Sandy, and on through Ickwell, Old Warden & Millbrook for breakfast at the Nuyard Garden Centre in Westoning. An equally scenic return route passes through Woburn Safari Park, where riders are likely to spot herds of deer if they keep the revs down! They pass the Triumph dealership before turning left to head east towards Toddington, Barton-le-Clay & Ashwell. A quick blast on the narrow but flowing Flecks Lane to Wendy brings the group to the ride’s end at BP Arrington

Start point          BP Childerley Gate, CB23 8AY      what3words
End point            BP Arrington, SG8 0AD     what3words

Briefing 9:20am      |    Departs 9:30am     |     Distance ~85 miles
Limited to 12 participants    |   Full details in the Events Calendar

Members evening, with a presentation by Keith Tremeer

Over Community Centre  |  Tuesday 18th June  |  7:30-9:30pm
Please use this link if you plan to attend

All are welcome at Over Community Centre on June 18th from 7:30pm for our next Member’s Evening. Following a trusted formula, we’ll celebrate recent successes with Observers presenting a CAM wuffler to each new Member, and then the main event: Working & Living in Brazil, presented by Keith Tremeer. Keith offers the following teasing description of his talk –

When Brazil is mentioned talk of football, Carnival, beautiful beaches & the Amazon rainforest often follows. As some of you know, I lived and worked for a substantial period of time in the country, working in the international banking sector. Arriving in 1980 fresh from university, my first 12 months were spent in the heat and humidity of the Amazon jungle, and in subsequent years I worked in a number of places around the country. During that time I got married, became fluent in Portuguese, survived Brazil’s extreme bureaucracy, monthly inflation reaching 60%, monetary confiscation, and no fewer than 7 “economic reforms” and 6 different currencies. I also witnessed the country’s progression from a military dictatorship to a fully-fledged democracy, with the economy opening up to the outside world, and foreign investment eager to participate in the new-found growth opportunities.

During my presentation, I’ll take you through some of the more interesting (and unusual) experiences, both positive and negative, that I had during my 36 years. I’m also trying to see if I can arrange a culinary surprise for participants to indulge in during the coffee break!! I look forward to seeing you there. 
Até logo!!

Full details in the Events Calendar

Evening ride – Wednesday June 12th

Shaun Digby leads our first evening rideout of the year on Wednesday 12th June! A second ride is in the pipeline, and we may offer more if these events prove popular…. Shaun provides this description of the outing: 

Following the 6:15pm briefing we depart Cambridge Services for Huntingdon & Abbots Ripton before turning onto the B660 – where the enjoyment begins! We’ll be riding on training routes used by regional Road Policing Units. If you are already familiar with them you will appreciate why, if not you will soon understand: bend after bend comes at you! If the weather is kind to us, it will be a true biker’s heaven!
At Kimbolton we switch to the B645 before turning left at Staughton Green for Perry and a break at The Wheatsheaf. Suitably refreshed we continue to the A1, going straight over at the Buckden roundabout and on to Offords railway crossing, then turn for our final destination at Caxton Services

Start point      Cambridge Services, A14     what3words  
End point        Caxton Services, A428          what3words

Briefing   6:15pm             Departure   6:30pm    
Refreshment stop      The Wheatsheaf, Perry

This ride is limited to 12 participants. Use this link to request a place

Sunday ride to Rutland Water (2nd June)

Using Brampton Hut Services as the departure point (a first for a Sunday ride) ride leader Peter Grant & tailer Phil Duffy are taking a maximum of 12 participants to Rutland Water on the 2nd of June

From Brampton Hut riders head north on the A1, but turn off at the first junction after just one mile). Thereafter they can expect to encounter very light traffic as they follow well-maintained, twisting B-roads through Clopton, Oundle & the Benefields, under the Welland Viaduct and into Rutland. The Rutland Nursery Café offers views of the south shore of Rutland Water. The indoor restaurant offers these breakfast options

The return route is equally scenic as it twists and turns way eastwards through Duddington, Polebrook & Glatton to the B1043 (before the A1 was constructed this was the Great North Road) then heads south to Alconbury. The ride ends where it began back at Brampton Hut, after another one-junction stretch on the A1

Start & end point  Brampton Hut Services (A1/A14)
Briefing 9:20am                  Ride departs 9:30am
Total distance 88 miles     Maximum number of participants 12

Request a place here    |   Events Calendar entry here