Over Community Centre, Saturday 21st October
Open to full Members & Associates*. Email Catherine to request a place
Our Group ride training is expanding to include full Members alongside the Ride Leaders & Tailer Enders (RL&TE) team. Associates who have begun Observed rides and had confirmation from their Observer that they are riding at a suitable standard to join Group rideouts are also welcome. Training Manager Barry D explains the thinking behind this change, and what those attending can expect:
Much emerged from the RL&TE training session in June – not least the insight that all riders might benefit from a better understanding the RL&TE roles, the guidelines presented by the leader and their actions during a ride. By opening this training to Members we aim to reduce the number of problems which arise from time to time during rides, so Group rides are more enjoyable and safer for all. Over time we hope that all members will attend this training, and each session will be a rich mix of:
Those aiming to join the RL&TE team
Leaders & Tailers updating their training
Members & Associates aiming to better understand how to participate positively & safely in a group ride
All full Members are now invited to our our next training session on Saturday 21st October at Over Community Centre. This starts at 10am, and is expected to finish at by 4pm. As there is a practical session attendees should arrive by bike (ideally equipped with a SatNav). Tea, coffee & biscuits will be provided but please bring your own sandwiches. The bar will be open for soft drinks

There will be a little work for attendees to complete in advance of the course (more about that nearer the time). The morning will start with Module 1 presentation (~90 mins), followed after a short break by the Module 2 presentation (~30 mins). On-road training follows, for which participants will receive a SatNav route and information on how to prepare
Both current RL&TEs and those aiming to join the team will have the opportunity to brief and then ride in the RL role. They will also ride in the TE position, picking up markers as they go. The SatNav route will clearly identify the location where Leader & Tailer swap roles halfway along the 20-mile route. The training will be a close with a Q&A session
Please consider signing up for this training. Whether you’re already on the RL&TE team, thinking of joining or simply wish to gain a better understanding of group riding your attendance will help us make our rides safer & more enjoyable. Please email me (Barry) directly if you would like further details, or email Catherine to book your place