Charity Bike Night

Members & Associates will by now have received Chairman Ian Dunckley’s message relaying news from the AGM & drawing attention to an upcoming local event: a Charity Bike Night to promote suicide prevention & awareness. This takes place from 6pm on Thursday 26th September at M&M Motorcycles

As Ian notes, while CAM has no official role at this event the Committee encourages you to consider attending. Having trained as a Mental Health First Aider for Mental Health Motorbike, Ian invites any CAM Member or Associate who would like to do so to discuss this or related issues with him (see his email for contact details)

Charity Bike Night will be held at M&M Motorcycles on the Thursday 26th September, and is led by Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust. Full details of the evening can be found in the flyer – click here or on the image above to download

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