Hungry Stag rideout, Sunday 1st September

Leader/tailer team Roger Taylor & Peter Grant head east into Suffolk for breakfast at that modern classic – The Hungry Stag Café near Stowmarket

>From BP Cambridge, our route uses mostly B-roads to take us south of Newmarket & Bury St Edmunds to The Hungry Stag Café, located a short distance from Stowmarket just off the A14. A favourite with bikers, car enthusiasts, truckers & locals alike – check the menu here

<After breakfast we head north and west to the ride’s end at another trucker haunt – Walkers Snacks Café near Mildenhall. The rideout covers 72 miles, but please note the distance between the start & end points! 

Starts  BP Cambridge (Newmarket Road)
Ends  Walkers Snacks near Mildenhall

Briefing  9:20am                  Ride departs  9:30am
Total distance  72 miles     Maximum number of riders  14

Use this link to request a place

Group-Ride training – Saturday 7th September

Everyone on a group ride benefits from understanding the lead & tail roles and the guidelines which ensure outings are both safe & enjoyable. With that in mind, all Members & Associates are invited to the final Ride Leader & Tail-Ender training session of the year, which Barry Dickinson leads on September 7th. No experience of group-riding is required, and you don’t have to be interested in leading/rides to attend. You can even join us just for the afternoon’s on-road outing – if you haven’t yet been on one of our rideouts this will make a great introduction!

Saturday 7th September  ::  Over Community Centre  ::  RL&TE training

Who can attend?
All Members & Associates are welcome *
   * Associates require Observer confirmation that their riding is at a suitable standard

Does this commit me to joining RL&TE team?
No – you can come along just for the fun and to improve your group riding!

Can I turn up just for the Group ride at the end of the training session?
Yes – we encourage both Associates & Members to join us for the practical ride-out session from 3 to 4pm. Please indicate when you request your place if you only wish to join the rideout part of the training

What’s involved?
The day starts at 10am and is expected to end by 4pm. Activities begin with Module 1, which is accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation and lasts around 90 minutes followed by a break for tea & biscuits. Module 2 then lasts roughly 30 minutes
After a break for lunch (bring a packed lunch) we move onto the practical, on-road session – so it’s essential that attendees arrive by bike. If you’d like to try leading/tailing then ideally bring along a SatNav. Current members of the RL&TE team as well as potential new recruits (we’re always looking to grow the team!) will have the opportunity to brief riders before heading out for a 20-mile ride where they will be able to experience both the lead & tail positions
The day will close with a Q&A

Whether you’re already a member of the RL&TE team, looking to join, or would simply like to help make our Group rides safer & more enjoyable whilst learning new skills, request a place using this link. Please remember to state if you’ll be there for the entire session or only wish to join the rideout in the afternoon

Sunday August 18th – south to Hertfordshire

Barry D leads, with John Hawkins in tail position, on Sunday 18th with a rideout south into Hertfordshire and The Greenhouse Café, Vanstone Park Garden Centre (sorry – despite our best efforts we can’t locate the breakfast menu online!). Barry has provided the following outline of the route

Departing from Tesco Extra in Royston, we head south along the B1368 through Barkway & Puckeridge, before travelling on the A10 for one junction to Wadesmill. Returning to B-roads, Hertford & Hatfield follow before we swing north again to Kimpton, Codicote & the Greenhouse Café

After breakfast we double-back briefly, then follow back lanes to Frogmore Bottom & Charlton. Having skirted Hitchin we head through Apsley End, Shefford & Upper Caldecote, then cross the A1 to Sandy, Everton & Waresley. The ride ends after a brief stretch on the A428 at Caxton Gibbet

Start point          Tesco Extra, Royston, SG8 5UA                 what3words
Breakfast            The Greenhouse Café, SG4 8TH                what3words
End point            Caxton Gibbet, CB23 3PD                          what3words

Ride departs 9:30am     Please arrive fully fueled for the 9:20am briefing

Ride limited to 16 participants. Click here to request a place

All-day ride to the Cotswolds & Chilterns!

Join Chris Curryer on an all-day ride taking in the rolling hills of the Cotswolds & the Chilterns – Chris describes his plan for the day just below. Please note that this ride is open to full Members only.

Our route takes us through Woburn Park, on to the A5 and through to the Super Sausage Café for a coffee stop. It’s then on through Buckingham, Ayhno, Moreton-in-Marsh, Chipping Campden & Broadway and up Fish Hill (a great road – see here!). 
We move on to Bourton-on-the-Water – often referred to as the Venice of the Cotswolds – where we stop for lunch, with time to stroll around this enchanting English village or to visit a small motor museum (or an even tinier model village!). Some lanes riding follows as we head through Bibury & Burford, before heading back through Bicester & Thame, stopping for afternoon tea if you still have an appetite. 
We pass close to RAF Halton before switching to A41 / M25 / A1(M) / A505 for a more direct route to the ride’s end at McDonalds Royston after a grand total of ~265 miles. 
Limited to full Members who are confident riders – there are some challenging roads along the way! Pillions welcome. 

Briefing – 8:50am        Ride starts – 9:00am          Ride ends – around 7:30pm
Departs – BP Arrington, SG8 0AD       Finishes – McDonalds Royston, SG8 9NT

Email Chris directly to request a place

Associate Theory Evening – Thursday 15th August

Our autumn Associate Theory Evening is almost here! The evening is, of course, aimed primarily at Associates working towards their Advanced Rider test – but Members are most welcome to come along & share their experience. Senior National Observer Chris Curryer leads the session, and will dive into the theory of Advanced Riding in a friendly & informative way. Members of the Observer team will also be there sharing their expertise & offering invaluable input in relation to the testAssociate members are strongly encouraged to attend this event

The evening should finish by 9pm, with the option to head to the nearby White Horse Inn (who serve a nice cup of coffee) afterwards.
Please click here to let us know if you will be attending

Barton Sports & Social Pavilion
Thursday 15th August, 7:30 to 9:00pm