Midweek ride (scheduled)

This ride will be led by Paul Norman. The date and departure point as well as further details to be confirmed

Group organised Sunday ride

This ride will be led by Ian Dunckley and tail-ended by Steve Rowdon Departure point and other details to be confirmed

Committee Meeting

St John's College School 73 Grange Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Details of the members who sit on the Committee can be viewed here Please email Roger Taylor (secretary@cambsiam.org.uk) if there is a matter which you would like to bring to the […]

Group organised Sunday ride

This ride will be led by Mark Fox and tail-ended by Barry Dickinson Departure point and other details to be confirmed

Group organised Sunday ride

This ride will be led by Phil Duffy and tail-ended by Paul Norman Departure point and other details to be confirmed

Group organised Sunday ride

This ride will be led by Catherine Ryan and tail-ended by Mike Pierce Departure point and other details to be confirmed

Committee Meeting

St John's College School 73 Grange Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Details of the members who sit on the Committee can be viewed here Please email Roger Taylor (secretary@cambsiam.org.uk) if there is a matter which you would like to bring to the […]

Group organised Sunday ride

This ride will be led by Patrick Ryan and tail-ended by Robert Silver Departure point and other details to be confirmed