Senior Observer Barry Dickinson presents our final Ride Leader & Tail Ender (RL&TE) training session of 2024. Whether you’re a regular at our Sunday outings or are yet to request a place on a group-ride, this training will better your understanding of the lead & tail roles and the guidelines we use to ensure our ride-outs are safe & enjoyable. Everyone is welcome and also encouraged to attend
Who is this training for ?
All Members & Associates are welcome *
* Note: Associates must have begun Observed Rides and their Observer confirmed that their riding is at a suitable standard
Does this commit me to joining RL&TE team ?
No – you can come along just for the fun and to improve your group riding!
Can I turn up just for the Group ride at the end of the training session?
Yes – we encourage both Associates & Members to join us for the ride-out session from 3pm to 4pm. If you haven’t been on one of our Group-rides previously, this short outing will make a great introduction
Please indicate when you request your place if you only wish to join the rideout part of the training
What’s involved?
The day starts at 10am and is expected to end by 4pm. Activities begin with Module 1, which is accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation and lasts around 90 minutes followed by a break for tea & biscuits. Module 2 then lasts roughly 30 minutes
After a break for lunch (bring a packed lunch) we move onto the practical, on-road session – so it’s essential that attendees arrive by bike. If you’d like to try leading/tailing then ideally bring along a SatNav. Current members of the RL&TE team as well as potential new recruits (we’re always looking to grow the team!) will have the opportunity to brief riders before heading out for a 20-mile ride where they will be able to experience both the lead & tail positions. There will be a Q&A to close the session
Please lend your support by requesting your place on Saturday 7th September using this link. Remember to state if you’ll be there for the entire session or only wish to join the rideout in the afternoon