After the success of the first training session we are now opening up places to the new and improved training for Ride Leaders (RL) and Tail Enders. This session will be led by Barry D. There is a little work for trainees to complete before coming on the course but more about that nearer the time. The session is also open to Members & Associates who simply wish to find out more about Group-rides, how we organise them and how all participants can contribute to make our outings safe and enjoyable
The training will be in the Over Community Centre on Saturday 21st October 2023 starting at 10am and finishing at 4pm. The training is open as training to be a new RL/TE and also for those that have previous training as refresher training. When you respond, please let us know if you fall into either of these categories and if you are already qualified roughly how long ago this was.
Please also let us know if you have/use a SatNav – we expect to run a practical session as part of the day and a Sat Nav will be our preferred way of working. As there is a practical element to this training, attendees are asked to arrive by bike and NOT by car.
On the day aspiring Ride Leaders & Tail-Enders will be given the opportunity to brief and ride as the Ride Leader (RL) (depending on numbers riding the intention is to actually drop markers) as well as riding as in the Tail Ender (TE) position. Each RL/TE will have a tutor riding with them and, at the end of the ride the tutor will critique the ride. When all delegates have completed their ride, then there will be a Q&A on any aspect of the training